ZKOTTY – ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises

from 2015/02/06 until 2015/02/21

Bild: Kyung-Lae OakThe Colours of Berlin, 30x30cm, U.V printing on aluminium,
2015 (each size)

ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises 
Scotty Enterprises lädt aktuelle Stipendiaten des ZK/U in ihren Ausstellungsraum in Kreuzberg ein, um den aktuellen künstlerischen Prozessen, Fragestellungen und Praktiken eine Plattform zu bieten: Yoo Byungseo, Rika Febriyani, Luca Forcucci, Kyung-Lae Oak.

Eröffnung: 06. Februar 2015, 19 Uhr 
Dauer der Ausstellung:
07. 02. 2015 bis 21. 02. 2015
18.02., 20 Uhr: Performance/Konzert von Luca Forcucci und Gästen (Spende: 5 Euro/Pers)
Audrey Chen (Cello and Voice) / Satch Hoyt (Flute and FX) / Luca Forcucci (live electronics, voice and kalimba)


ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises 
Scotty Enterprises is offering its space in Kreuzberg to current ZK/U fellows for the presentation of their research, artistic outcomes and work in general: Yoo Byungseo, Rika Febriyani, Luca Forcucci, Kyung-Lae Oak

Opening: Fr, Feburary 6, 7 pm
Duration: Feburary 2 – Feburary 21, 2015
Feb 18th, 8 pm: performance/concert of Luca Forcucci and guest (donation: 5 Euro/pers)
Audrey Chen (Cello and Voice) / Satch Hoyt (Flute and FX) / Luca Forcucci (live electronics, voice and kalimba)

english version:

ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises
Zentrum für Kunst ind Urbanistik (ZK/U) Berlin is an innovative venue offering artistic and research residencies for art production at the interface of urban research in the district of Moabit in Berlin. The ZK/U sees itself as a laboratory for inter- and trans-disciplinary, activities centered on the phenomenon of “the city”.

Scotty Enterprises is offering its space in Kreuzberg to current ZK/U fellows for the presentation of their research, artistic outcomes and work in general. The first exhibition is focusing on works related to current developments in Berlin observed and digested by: Yoo Byungseo, Rika Febriyani, Luca Forcucci, Kyung-Lae Oak

_ Yoo Byungseo
Byungseo Yoo will present new work which he had been proceed in berlin since he arrived last winter. He has been collected empty beer bottles from the streets everyday. then change them into money. With the money he bought a knife and sharpen it on a whetstone to give it edge like as it was sword.

_ Rika Febriyani
Rika Febriyani will show a series of 10 –15 photographs of how the „remainders“ in Berlin public space – such as discarded objects, wasted spaces, apparently useless parctices – act as devices to construct a milieu not readily subsumable to apparent systems of value, and thus permit a means of connecting this public space to those of other cities in which the artist, Rika Febriyani, has lives and worked. The artist will attempt to convey a „sense“ of how these remainders explore different connections to the larger surrounds and her own experience.

_ Luca Forcucci  In a Silent Way
As this wave forms memories flow in, the city soaks it up like a sponge and expands. – Invisible Cities / I. Calvino

Imaginary Listening explores the idea of a possible imaginary aural perception emerging from the past. Such perception should appear while recombining and crossing intrinsic memory of a town and one own memory, which lead to a combination of several realities:
• The one that existed, but not there anymore;
• The one that remain;
• The one imagined;
• The one, which combines existed and imagined realities within one own imagination

The proposed works invite to a silent listening.
Two prints include the sound of the voice of cellist Audrey Chen and the flute of Satch Hoyt, with who we will present a performance at the gallery on the 18.2.2015
Luca Forcucci, Berlin, January 2015

_ Kyung-Lae Oak
Kyung-Lae Oak’s work draws on her experiences travelling through various cities as a stranger, perceiving the tension between different zones and revealing the history of a city through its environmental colour.
Kyung-Lae approaches the city as a singular architectural work made by many. As architectural space is walked around and peered over various reflections and perspectives can be observed.  When passing through a city as a stranger, the artist considers herself not only a viewer but also as a part of the architectural work. Oak is developing a complex and subtle form of abstraction to create rich, multi-layered pieces, which represent a vast range of experiences and feelings. She develops unique colour charts for each city, picking up on the details of local buildings, street furniture and traffic to create formal compositions that are printed onto strips of aluminium.
Her images suggest the movement and hum of a city. They are full of passion and reveal subtle colour relationships, yet the impersonal printing technique leaves no trace of the artist’s hand. In this way the artist expresses the complexity of her experience and the intensity of her emotions within this seemingly conflicting and difficult world. By achieving a sense of personal synthesis and harmony she illustrates how the individual emerges from the collective mass.

deutsche Version:

ZK/U at Scotty Enterprises
Das Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik (ZK/U) ist ein unabhängiger Denk- und Produktionsraum im ehemaligen Güterbahnhof Moabit, Berlin. Er bietet mehrmonatige Forschungsresidenzen für Künstler und Forscher. Das ZK/U versteht sich als Labor intermedialer und interdisziplinärer Aktivitäten, die sich künstlerisch und wissenschaftlich mit dem Phänomen Stadt auseinandersetzen.

Scotty Enterprises lädt aktuelle Stipendiaten des ZK/U in ihren Ausstellungsraum in Kreuzberg ein, um den aktuellen künstlerischen Prozessen, Fragestellungen und Praktiken eine Plattform zu bieten. Schwerpunkt der ersten Ausstellung sind Beobachtungen und künstlerische Umsetzungen zu aktuellen Entwicklungen in Berlin aus Sicht von: Yoo Byongseo, Rika Febriyani, Luca Forcucci, Kyung-Lae Oak

Presse-PDF dt./engl.


1/Kyung-Lae Oak, Berlin Hauptbahnhof, 30×30.4cm, U.V printing on aluminium, 2015

2/Luca Forcucci, Realities

3/Rika Febriyani

4/ Byungseo Yoo, Listen to the sword,  Knife, receit from bottle exchange, empty beer bottles, garlic, moter, electric wire, light bulbs, woods , whetstone, variable size,  2014